Donnerstag, 1. November 2012

Nice views and moments on Samhain Day...

Here's a little collection of views and moments on Samhain:

starting with an eerie view on a pumpkin-colored lit autumn tree, with the full moon shining behind it, through wisps of clouds...

...then feeling the grass and fallen leaves on my way to the office.

At the office, I marvelled at the sight of a nice sunrise and received a mini-pumpkin as a gift. OK, actually, it was a small mandarin orange, decorated in style for Halloween - but, still, a nice gift, considering the extra Vitamin C boost in the current cough and sniffles season:

After work, I was able to enjoy the rest of sunlight in the late afternoon, by feeling sun-warmed pavement, grass and autumn leaves underfoot, being in touch with Mother Nature, while going home, where I spent a quiet evening, meditating on memories of ancestors, following the Samhain tradition.

I hope you had a nice time beginning the new year, as well. Blessed Be.

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