Sonntag, 2. Dezember 2012

Celebrating the weekend... barefoot and skyclad, as usual.

Yes, I have used the weekend properly to relax and recharge... while I was able to gather positive power during the week at work, using the full moon's cool radiance as well as the rare but cherished moments the sun shone, I celebrated the weekend days the way I most prefer: being naturally skyclad indoors and always barefoot when leaving the house.

With winter beginning according to the meteorologist definition, temperatures have obeyed that statistic rule and dropped down near frost level at nights and just around 5°C/40F during the day. Therefore, happy outdoor nudity such as depicted above is out of the question at the moment. But I still observe my nuddhist morning exercise, stepping out onto my balcony naked, inhaling the morning air and powering up before work. And even though the ground now feels considerably cooler, I still walk barefoot on the way to work and back after work... all it takes is a slight adjustment in outfits, by dressing up warm to keep my overall body temperature high enough. That is the simple recipe of winter barefooting, and enables me to walk barefoot even in slight frost. The other trick is to keep moving, since the stimulation of the soles triggers circulation and thereby helps my bare feet in warming up themselves.

Here's happy feet images from last Friday, plus the full moon and midday sun, helping me in gathering positive vibes:

At the bus stop, gazing at the moon peering through between clouds...

Bus stop bare feet, feeling cool pavement

Industrial full moon near the office, before work...

Feeling Mother Earth underfoot before entering the office...

Gazing at the sun, during a break at work, powering me up on Friday - facing the weekend ahead.

I hope that I will encounter more such views and powerful moments next week to keep me positively charged... My first challenge is tomorrow, Monday, when I have to do the reports and statistics of the previous week, as well as the monthly statement for November, too... this means, juggling around a quarter-million Euros again... It's also a first beacon of hope towards a longer period of relaxation, since it is the first of five work days separating me from a week of leave.

For  now, I will linger in the positive mood, drawing up some more good vibes from taking a short barefoot walk before going to bed and doing some nuddhist breath meditating, too. Going into the night this way, then waking up tomorrow and starting the day likewise should provide me with enough strength to face the start of a new week at work. I trust in Mother Nature to fill me with Her unconditional love and healing.

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